
What Are the Differences Between a ‘Data Scientist’ and a ‘Data Engineer’ (and Which One Do You Need?)

As data becomes more important to doing business, companies are finding themselves in need of various data-related workers. Sometimes, the titles aren’t clear, and it’s difficult to determine whether you need a data scientist, a data engineer, or perhaps both. Here are the descriptions of each one, as well as where the two jobs overlap....
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What is the Future of Big Data in Retail?

It’s already well documented that big data can help retailers understand their customers, reach new revenue streams, and even improve customer interaction by timely and location-based offers and incentives. What isn’t as well understood is how big data will affect the future of retail. Here is a peek into tomorrow. Big Data and the IoT

How Governments and Legislators are Grossly Misunderstanding Big Data (and Therefore, Messing Everything Up)

Ah, legislators. No matter which side of the pond they’re on, they somehow manage to misunderstand everything, and even when they do understand, still manage to mess things up. Since big data is poorly understood even among mainstream business folks, it’s not surprising that it’s misunderstood in places like Capitol Hill and Whitehall. Here’s how...
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