
Using Data To Establish Consumer Loyalty

Given that it is of course cheaper for an automotive brand to retain a customer rather than find a new one, the importance of up-to-date customer information is absolutely crucial. Although not an exception, the automotive industry relies heavily on accurate data when it comes to brands trying to secure repeat customers. While it is...
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Using Performance Data to Revolutionize the Management of Cook County Government, Part 3: The Future

Starting at the end of Fiscal Year 2012 and continuing into Fiscal Year 2013, the STAR program will further engage with agencies to support the use of performance data as a management tool.  The effort will include facilitating internal goal-setting discussions within agencies and departments, as well as training and regular monitoring. Currently, the Performance...
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Using Performance Data to Revolutionize the Management of Cook County Government, Part 2: Current State

Each quarter, Cook County officials in the Public Safety, Property Tax, Economic Development, and Healthcare areas submit performance management data and hold meetings to review their progress.  The data from the officials is combined with the data from the Offices Under the President and published in a quarterly STAR Report.   To date, there have been...
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Using Performance Data to Revolutionize the Management of Cook County Government, Part 1: An Introduction

The County’s “Set Targets, Achieve Results” (STAR) Performance Management program strives to measure, report and manage performance to promote  Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle’s four goals: fiscal responsibility, innovative leadership, transparency and accountability, and improved services. STAR began with an ordinance introduced by President Preckwinkle and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners.  It...
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Big Data: What’s the Big Deal?

The value of holding data has been recognised since the dawn of commerce when merchants inscribed key business data onto tablets. That analysing business data can provide insights and unlock revenue is not new thinking, so what is the big deal with Big Data? Big data’s disruptive value is created by the advent of high performance,...
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Big Data: The Lifeblood Of Today’s Economy

In recent years, big data has become a key consideration across all major markets, impacting entire industries, reshaping business strategies and offering untold promise to those capable of harnessing its true power. The value of big data is continuing to grow exponentially and today it stands as the lifeblood for both organisations and even the...
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