
City Data Exchange – A Marketplace for Public and Private Data – Peter Bjørn Larsen

The Copenhagen City Data Exchange – identify and engage the Big Data ecosystem – the potential suppliers and consumers of data from both the public and private sector.

Hitachi Consulting is leading a consortium currently developing a commercial marketplace for selling and buying data in Copenhagen and the surrounding region – the City Data Exchange. This is done in a co-creation process with the City of Copenhagen, the Capital Region and the national clean-tech cluster CLEAN, who initiated an innovative tender process with a competitive dialogue for the development of a data marketplace. An important part of the solution is to identify and engage the Big Data eco-system – the potential suppliers and consumers of data from both the public and private sector. The City Data Exchange will go live in the spring of 2016.

About Peter Bjørn Larsen

Peter-Bjorn-Larsen-600x431-v2Peter joined Hitachi Consulting in August 2015 as the leader of the City data Exchange in Copenhagen. Peter is no stranger to the initiative as he was leading the tender process from the client side where he was the Smart City Manager at the triple helix organisation CLEAN.
He is a well know smart city expert and has presented at several large international events including the Barcelona Smart City Expo, Smart to Future Cities in London and at the EU-China Smart City collaboration event in Beijing where he represented the City of Copenhagen. Peter also have more than 10 years of international consultant experience from the EU Commission, EU Parliament, OECD, Nordic Innovation Center and Danish government institutions. His expertise is in regional innovation systems, sector competitiveness studies and smart cities.

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