
The Differences Between SQL And NoSQL Training

Why Switch?
Making the decision to switch from traditional relational databases to NoSQL will depend on a few factors. The rise of Big Data will certainly play a role for many businesses, but there are many other reasons as well. There are certain scenarios where NoSQL provides advantages that would be hard to get from RDBMS. Some NoSQL deployment examples include building applications for content management and managing user data, to name a few.

Companies looking for a scalable and affordable method of managing databases have begun to realize that non-relational NoSQL databases are the way to go. This isn’t necessarily to say that RDBMS are completely dead, because many companies still use them and may refuse to ever switch. But if you’re looking for the best method of handling the database needs of modern businesses, NoSQL is definitely the way to go.

Don’t Underestimate the Difference
Because NoSQL is viewed as easier to work with and and as a more flexible alternative to relational databases, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that switching over to NoSQL from RDBMS will be a breeze. However, when you underestimate it, you may end up making mistakes that will hurt you down the line. In this article, I noted that NoSQL differs markedly from relational.

So even if you have a wealth of experience dealing with RDBMS, you should tackle your NoSQL training without any type of bias or any preconceived notions. Also, it’s important that DBAs who may not be as receptive to NoSQL try to go into it with open minds.

Distinguishing the Differences
When switching over to NoSQL from RDBMS, there are going to be some key differences such as the language, data model, and schemas. You also have to account for what type of NoSQL database you will be migrating to as it will have a big impact on how you approach the move. Will you be using a document oriented database such as MongoDB, a key-value store such as Cassandra, or some other type? The steps you take for migrating will be similar but the training will undoubtedly differ. Nevertheless, NoSQL databases’ open source nature and strong community support make it easy for anyone to learn and ask for advice on the go.

It Won’t Happen Overnight
Realize that your database developer training will be an ongoing process. Because it will take time for your developers and administrators to get used to the new setup, don’t expect everyone to master it in a week or even a month. Learning NoSQL database syntax will take time, as it’s uniquely different from SQL. The advantage of NoSQL training over relational training is that it’s fairly easy to start with. Over time they grow more complex but so will your developer’s knowledge of it.

It’s also worth noting that seeking professional training for migrating to NoSQL is a good option. Depending on the size of your company, trying to do it on your own can cause unnecessary issues that cost time and resources. Thus, most respectable NoSQL vendors offer free or affordably-priced training programs for developers and DBAs.

Changing over to NoSQL is something that more and more businesses are starting to do. Depending on the size of your organization and your existing database, the switch may take a little longer. However, planning out the task at hand, and organising appropriately will ensure a much smoother transition for your company.

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