
#bdw12 Data Science Hackathon Winner








James Patterson is the official winner of the Data Science Hackathon organised by Data Science London in conjunction with Big Data Week. Having worked through 24 hours over 150 participants submitted their final entries and it James was declared the official winner.

– I’m a research engineer at NICTA
– I live in Canberra, ACT, Australia
– I am 37 years old
– I recently finished my PhD in machine learning at ANU (thesis submitted, waiting for reviews)
– in the past I worked as a software engineer in the telecom industry for 10+ years


With contestants across three continents it was a hard fought battle, involving coffee, drinks and snacks below is a spread of the distribution of contestants.




For a full write up of the winners, read this article and a great article also on how to survive a Global Data Science hackathon

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